Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2018

Hybridoma bank lamp 1

Hybridoma bank lamp 1

Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB ) in the Materials and Methods of your publications. LAMP Antibody (H4A3) - DSHB Antigen: Lysosomal-associated membrane protein Lamp-CD107a. Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank 1D4B product information: distributor, quantity, price, LAMP Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1. Anti-LAMP -(1kDa lysosomal membrane glycoprotein) Hybridoma Antibody from DEVELOPMENTAL STUDIES HYBRIDOMA BANK.

LampAntibody (1D4B) - DSHB Monoclonal antibody against LAMP Lysosome-associated membrane. Both theoretically detecting Lamp seem to be unspecific in my human cells. Mouse Anti-human LAMP -(human) Antibody H4Afrom. Mouse Anti-human LAMP -(human) Antibody H4Afrom Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank.

Anti-LAMP -(1kDa lysosomal membrane glycoprotein.

Mouse Anti-human LAMP -(human) Antibody H4Afrom

Check out products from the Develomental Studies Hybridoma Bank. Can you recommend a Lysosomal antibody that is working. LAMP --CHO Antibody (UH1) - DSHB antibody against LAMP -(CHO) expressed by for use in against.

Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank anti-LAMP antibody was used in. LAMP -antibody antibody review based on formal. Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, LAMP -antibody. Anti-LAMP -(human) Monoclonal Antibody from DEVELOPMENTAL STUDIES HYBRIDOMA BANK. Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank H4Aproduct information: distributor, quantity, price, Lysosomal-associated membrane protein Lamp-CD107a.

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LampAntibody (1D4B) - DSHB

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LAMP Antibody (H4A3) - DSHB

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Lysosomal-associated membrane protein Lamp-1

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